woman in front of a pile of recycled clothes
Apr 16, 2021

Our old clothes heading to Africa

At One Army we're trying to understand the fashion problem with a project called Fixing Fashion (launching on April 19th). In this picture Alicia went to a clothing charity in the Netherlands where they gather clothes that are dumped into those “clothing donation boxes”.

It's a lot! And everything is sold to Africa. Compressed into these blocks and shipped to the other side of the planet. Each block is around 55KG, moved with a forklift in Netherlands and carried by woman on the head in Ghana. More on this topic soon.

A moment from

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Project Kamp badge

Project Kamp Badge

Colourful waterfilters

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Machines in Mexico

Girls running Precious Plastic machines

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kinds pants fixed and repaired

First fixes from people

blue lamp made from recycled plastic

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Youtube channel

1 Million!

man wiring cables for recycling machine

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Worry bead mould for recycled plastic

Worry beads mould

Magazine cover


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Just a nice note


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Fixing Fashion badge is here

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Woman standing on landfill

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