Pallet with disassembled machine
Mar 19, 2021

Flatpack Sheetpress

We've redesigned the Precious Plastic Sheetpress to be easily disassembled and flatpacked so it is easier and cheaper to be shipped in places where it is most needed.

And of course, we've also made a how-to where you can find all the drawing and documentation to help you better tackle the plastic waste problem wherever you live.

A moment from

More moments

Woman working on a lathe

Carolina making stuff in the workspace

Worry bead mould for recycled plastic

Worry beads mould

Dave getting a machine ready

Blueprints in the making

Shipping container converted in a workspace

Our basekamp in shipping containers

Precious Plastic and Grameen team posing for a picture

Precious Plastic meets Yunus Muhammad

two man posing in Nigeria

Precious Plastic in Nigeria

woman in front of a pile of recycled clothes

Our old clothes heading to Africa

Three people in front of a van

Wild office

portrait of a man

First helper

Yellow Van parked in tuscany

Driving to Project Kamp!

Fixed pants

New fixes from Estonia

blue lamp made from recycled plastic

Lamps made in Korea

Storyhopper video covers

Story Hopper 1 Year

Man working on a recycling extruder machine

Brick making training

plastic recycled flowerpot

Extruded flowerpot

man wiring cables for recycling machine

Late wiring

scrapy can

Plastic on land

man on beach with plastic waste

Recycling plastic in Hawaii

woman wearing a repaired summer dress

Upgraded summer dress

Woman standing on landfill

Precious Plastic pilot #3 in the Maldives