Dave on TV!
Feb 1, 2021


Me and phonebloks on live TV from amsterdam, it was my first time!


A moment from

More moments

Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder

CE Certified Shredder

Colourful beams

Working on beams

Shipping container converted in a workspace

Our basekamp in shipping containers

Maldives pilot

Maldives container


Badges are here!



Precious Plastic and Grameen team posing for a picture

Precious Plastic meets Yunus Muhammad

Hand holding an envelop

We have shipped the first One Army rewards!

waste in the Maldives

Exotic waste

Green ex german army mercedes ambulance 609D converted to a camper parked on a land

Arrived in the land

Extruded lamp

Kees is making stuff with plastic

The original Phonebloks model

Phoneblocks in museum

Group of people standing in front of a workspace

Precious Plastic team

Group of people serving food

Precious Plastic Version 4 team enjoying a vegan lunch

Phonebloks ad in London street

Ad in London

parts of a phone

Modular phone in progress

Mattia on a boat looking out

To boat or not to boat?

machines packed

Transport approved

Men in Korea

Upcycling center Korea

Magazine cover
