Precious Plastic Exhibition in London
Feb 1, 2021

Exhibition Design of the year

Our shredder and some other Precious Plastic stuff are currently at the Designs of the year Exhibition in London. Drop by and give it a vote!

A moment from

More moments

Broken camera pieces

Broken camera

The original Phonebloks model

Phoneblocks in museum

Extrusion machine

Design of the year nominee

Shredder machine

Shredder in Rimini

Green ex german army mercedes ambulance 609D converted to a camper parked on a land

Arrived in the land

man on beach with plastic waste

Recycling plastic in Hawaii

4 men with recycled bricks

Bricks from ocean plastic

kinds pants fixed and repaired

First fixes from people

Hand holding an envelop

We have shipped the first One Army rewards!

Graphic showing dazed and Fixing Fashion logo

Fixing Fashion on Dazed



Yellow Van parked in tuscany

Driving to Project Kamp!

Dave in Silicon Valley

Phoneblocks worldwide

CE certified plate

CE Certified

Woman facing camera

BBC show

Colourful beams

Working on beams

A pan and a strainer to dye with avocado

Avocado dyeing in Barcelona

Men building machines

Mattia doing events


Funny Hopper

