Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder
Jun 15, 2021

CE Certified Shredder

For an upcoming project in Algeria we've developed the first Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder which will become the new official open source version in the coming months. Keep tune!

A moment from

More moments

Woman facing camera

BBC show

Magazine cover


Injection machine

Machinery in Indonesia

Team collecting bottles in front of a dumpsite

Collecting thousands of plastic bottles for an installation at Glow

Mexico team of students setting up Precious Plastic

Machines in Mexico

waste in the Maldives

Exotic waste


Badges are here!

Precious Plastic Exhibition in London

Exhibition Design of the year

Precious plastic machine printed

The world is getting started

Shipping container converted in a workspace

Our basekamp in shipping containers


Cable Paradise

Plastic recycled plastic knife handle.

Plastic Knife

plastic recycled flowerpot

Extruded flowerpot

Keychains made from recycled plastic

Keychains made with the injector

Plastic sheet

Plastic sheets in London

The original Phonebloks model

Phoneblocks in museum


Researching components

Containers on a truck with a forklift

Containers arrived in Portugal

Men building machines

Mattia doing events

Colourful waterfilters

Waterfilters by Taller Esfèrica in Spain