Feb 1, 2021

Just a nice note

On New Years Eve, we made a meditation and wrote down an advice which we want to take with us this year.

I tend to get caught up in all these great projects and things I want to learn and do that I just forget to take some time out for myself.
But I work much better if I’m in my full energy level, so I need to make sure I take my breaks - everyone does I guess.

Take care of yourself.

More breaks, more sleep, exercising, fresh air or even just taking some deep breaths in between. Go!

A moment from

More moments

Phonebloks models

Found these old models when cleaning up

Crate storage

Crate Storage

Man working on a recycling extruder machine

Brick making training

Graphic showing dazed and Fixing Fashion logo

Fixing Fashion on Dazed

blue lamp made from recycled plastic

Lamps made in Korea


Researching components

Precious Plastic Exhibition in London

Exhibition Design of the year

Precious Plastic badge

1 year after V2

3D drawing of the sheetpress

How to make a 1.5 m Sheetpress

Bright magazine cover

Bright cover

Green ex german army mercedes ambulance 609D converted to a camper parked on a land

Arrived in the land

Dave in Silicon Valley

Phoneblocks worldwide

Group of people serving food

Precious Plastic Version 4 team enjoying a vegan lunch

Rocket Stove

DIY aluminum moulds

Storyhopper video covers

Story Hopper 1 Year

woman wearing a repaired summer dress

Upgraded summer dress

man wiring cables for recycling machine

Late wiring

parts of a chicken toy

Sorry chicken


Hardware store

Three people in front of a van

Wild office