Group of people serving food
Feb 1, 2021

Precious Plastic Version 4 team enjoying a vegan lunch

Every day after the now classic lunch bell, the whole 40+ team convenes together to have a delicious vegan lunch and take a little break between welding, designing and coding to enjoy some easy chats and great laughs.

A moment from

More moments

Shredded car bumpers

Car bumpers

plastic waste from the beach

Ocean Plastic


Researching components


Funny Hopper

Little girl playing with recycled plastic

Experimenting in Taiwan

Woman facing camera

BBC show

man and children talking about plastic

Kenya visit

Precious Plastic and Grameen team posing for a picture

Precious Plastic meets Yunus Muhammad

two badges in one hand

Badges around the world


Cable Paradise

Storyhopper video covers

Story Hopper 1 Year

darning repair on a sock

Socks darning repair


Hardware store

Hand holding an envelop

We have shipped the first One Army rewards!

Extrusion machine

Design of the year nominee

Phonebloks ad in London street

Ad in London

Broken camera pieces

Broken camera

Pecha Kucha conference

Pecha kucha night

Extrusion machine

Extrusion hacks

man swimming in a lake

We've been clearing the spring