Injection machine
Feb 1, 2021

Machinery in Indonesia

Probably the first time ever Precious Plastic machines are being blessed to keep the bad spirits away🙏. This set of machines is made by John Hardy in Bali, Indonesia. We dropped by at this amazing bamboo paradise to help him get started. He is searching for an effective way to get rid of all the plastic that is laying around in his neighbourhood 🇮🇩.

A moment from

More moments

Little girl playing with recycled plastic

Experimenting in Taiwan


Badges are here!

scrapy can

Plastic on land

Team collecting bottles in front of a dumpsite

Collecting thousands of plastic bottles for an installation at Glow

Dutch Queen shaking hands with Dave

Solid handshake

nike shoes

Fake Vs. Real

Man working on a recycling extruder machine

Brick making training


Hardware store

Dave's setup for the extrusion.

Prototype Extrusion

A pan and a strainer to dye with avocado

Avocado dyeing in Barcelona

Three man hugging

Precious Plastic meets Bope


Ara – DevCon


Funny Hopper

Fixed pants

New fixes from Estonia

Woman drying shredded plastic

Faces of Dhaka

woman wearing a repaired summer dress

Upgraded summer dress

green plastic sheet

Working on sheets

men in front of recycling machine

Sheetpress in London

Extrusion machine

Extrusion hacks

two badges in one hand

Badges around the world