This article is part of Project Kamp, a One Army project prototyping a more sustainable life. You can learn more
Imagine you just bought a piece of land where you will create your new project prototyping sustainable living. Super exciting, right? Yes, but this most probably means an empty field with no infrastructure. What do you do then? What are the first steps?

To get started with Project Kamp we've created the towncenter and workspace in two containers. These are the basic infrastructures to build upon. To help us get off the ground and setup the basekamp. The original building blocks to build the rest of the infrastructure.
In the towncenter you have the kitchen to make delicious sustainable food to fuel our days, washing machine and shower to keep clean.

The workspace has all the basic tools to get us started and build more infrastructure (buildings, parts, machines etc..). It includes a lathe, saws, grinders, welding machine, safety equipments and more but bear in mind this can change depending on your project.

You can learn how to replicate these containers by watching the video below and visiting our Project Kamp academy where you will find much more information, guides, technical drawings, plans and everything you need to make them. This is all free material of course, but if you find it useful to start your project nothing should stop you from supporting Project Kamp with a donation.